Immersion dans les coulisses de la diplomatie environnementale internationale (Behind the scenes of international environmental diplomacy) :
Under the managment of : Michel Prieur , Emilie Gaillard , Mohamed Ali Mekouar
first edition 2023
402 pages
mare et martin editions
Review available in french on the Revue Droit et Société website
Measuring the Effectivity of Environmental Law:
Legal Indicators for Sustainable Development
Michel Prieur (Author), Christophe Bastin (Author), Ali Mekouar (Author)
Midiendo la efectividad del derecho ambiental:
Indicadores jurídicos para el desarrollo sostenible
Michel Prieur (Autor), Christophe Bastin (Autor), Ali Mekouar (Autor)
Droit, humanité et environnement :
Mélanges en l’honneur de Stéphane Doumbé-Billé
de Michel Prieur (Auteur), Christophe Bastin (Auteur), Ali Mekouar (Auteur)
1ère édition 2020
Editions Bruylant
Autor: Prieur, Michel; Sozzo, Gonzalo; Nápoli, Andrés
Fecha: 2020-11-17

Autor: Peña Chacón, Mario
Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente / Mario Peña
Chacón -Primera Edición- San José, Costa Rica: Peña
Chacón Mario, enero del 2021.
291 páginas, 22x 14 centímetros. ISBN 978-9968-49-643-8
- Titulo.

Created and published under the aegis of the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE), with the support of the Limousin Regional Council and the European Commission of Brussels (DG Environment), The Revue Européenne de Droit de l’Environnement (REDE) was published from 1997 to 2009 (2 issues in 1997 and 4 issues per year from 1998). Its ambition was to be the spokesperson for the French-speaking world within Europe by providing French-speaking jurists with a new working tool in a scientific sector where today only English-language journals exist. . The journal was published quarterly.
The R.E.D.E. was edited by CRIDEAU-OMIJ and the University of Limoges (PULIM), the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law and the European Association for Environmental Law.
Since 2010, the R.E.D.E. merged with the Revue Juridique de l’Environnement (R.J.E.).
The entire collection of the R.E.D.E. (1997 – 2009), consisting of 50 issues and 951 documents, is now available free online on Persé

Founded in 1976 by Professor Emeritus Michel Prieur, President of the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE), the Revue Juridique de l’Environnement (R.J.E), a publication of the French society for environmental law, is the essential reference for contemporary environmental law.
In four annual issues and a special issue, it presents the entire subject, both French law and international and European or foreign law. Its inevitable transversality is also restored in all its facets: civil, commercial, criminal, fiscal, administrative, etc.
Currently merged with the now defunct Revue Européenne de Droit de l’Environnement (R.E.D.E), the main objective of the R.J.E is to place the texts and case law in their theoretical dimension for a better understanding of this young and emerging law: it mainly contains studies written by the best academic specialists or practitioners.