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Priority actions

Environmental law is one of the essential instruments for implementing public environmental policies with a view to sustainable development. Despite this major role, it remains poorly operational in several states, so much so that the environment continues to gradually deteriorate, despite the existence of an impressive legal arsenal.

The undeniable momentum of global environmental governance brings the thorny issue of the effectiveness of environmental law to the heart of the concerns. This issue is becoming more and more deeply rooted in academic and professional debates in environmental law, and gives rise to a number of varied analyzes seeking to qualify and quantify the degree of effectiveness of legal and legal instruments aimed at protection. of the environment  To find out more

Following the awareness of multiple actors of the enormity of past, present and future problems and tragedies related to environmentally displaced persons, in 2005, an international symposium on “environmental refugees” was organized in Limoges. In line with the call made on 23 June 2005, from June to December 2008, seven working days were held at the Faculty of Law and Economics of Limoges to prepare this project. Find out more

his observatory aims to identify and make public the environmental legal regressions in the world. The regressions to be presented at the observatory can be legislative, judicial, budgetary, institutional and others… To find out more