” Climate change and the need to protect the environment require us to act urgently to save the planet and species and for a harmonious coexistence with humanity. Environmental policies and environmental law play a central role in this objective. To know everything about the evolution of environmental policies and environmental law, the essential reference: the International Center for Comparative Law of the Environment (CIDCE).
The CIDCE is an environmental law actor. As a NGO with a Special Cnosultative Status with the United Nations ECOSOC, the CIDCE aims to promote progress in protecting the planet through its global network of environmental law specialists. For this purpose it participates in the major international conferences on the environment and sustainable development and prepares reform proposals that it submits to States and international organizations.
As a platform for exchanges and innovations serving civil society, local and regional entities and companies concerned about their environmental responsibility, the CIDCE is the spokesperson for the future of humanity “.

President of the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE)
Professor emeritus at the University of Limoges
Scientific Director of CRIDEAU
Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics of Limoges