Michel PRIEUR, Honorary Dean, Honorary President of the French Society for Environmental Law, Honorary President of the European Association of Environmental Law, Emeritus Professor at the University of Limoges, Scientific Director of CRIDEAU - OMIJ, Honorary Director of the Revue Juridique de l'Environnement, former committee member compliance of the Espoo Convention and the Barcelona Convention, member of the French official delegation to the Conference called "Rio + 20", regional governor of the International Council of Environmental law (ICEL). In 1976, awarded the Gold Medal from the prestigiousprix international de droit de l'environnement Elizabeth Haub at the Université libre de Bruxelles (since 2008 the Award is granted by the University of Stockholm). Commander of the Order of Academic Palms. Officer of the Legion of Honour and Knight of the National Order of Merit.

Paulo Affonso Leme MACHADO, Honorary Professor at the Paulista State University UNESPT (Brazil), Honorary President of the Brazilian Society for Environmental Law, Professor at the Methodist University of Piracicaba (Sao Paulo, Brazil). Knight of the legion of honour.

Mary SANCY, Emeritus Professor at the University of Nantes, Honorary Director of the International Law Program of Environmental UNITAR.

İbrahim Özden Kaboğlu, Lawyer, Constitutionalist, Turkish politician, Professor at Marmara University in Istanbul (Turkey). Knight of the legion of honour.

Mohamed Ali MEKOUAR, Professor of Law, University of Casablanca (Morocco), Associate Professor at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Environmental, Development and Urbanism Law (CRIDEAU) - OMIJ, University of Limoges (France), former lawyer at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome (Italy), Laureate of the Elizabeth Haub Prize for Environmental Law (2002).

Soukaina BOURAOUI, Honorary professor at the Faculty of Law of Tunis II (Tunisia), Director of the Center for Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR), President of the Scientific Committee of the network of women leaders of universities in the Francophonie.

Laurent VASSALLO, Doctor of Law, Lecturer at the University of Montpellier, President of the "Organisme de Médiation en Environnement Santé et Consommation" (prefectoral approval, article L 141-1), Maltese representative on the CIDCE.

Frédéric BOUIN, HDR Senior Lecturer at the University of Perpignan, Researcher at CERTAP - CDED Perpignan and associated CRIDEAU - OMIJ Limoges, Via Domitia university Foundation Chair of "Sustainable Development Law" (planning & real estate).

Kablan Jean-Michel ATTA, PhD in Public Law, Teacher at University of Clermont Auvergne.
- Takehisa AWAJI, Professor Emeritus at the University of Rikkyo and Waseda University (Japan) ;
- Mircea DUTU, Professor of Law, Bucharest (Romania) ;
- Andrew Waite, Lawyer, Honorary President of the European Association of Environmental Law (UK) ;
- Jarosla Zástěrová, President of the Czech Society for Environmental Law (Czech Republic) ;
- Stéphane Doumbe-BILLÉ, Professor at the University of Lyon III, Director of the International Law Centre, a member of the CRC of IUCN, deceased.
Ibrahima LY, Professor of Law at the University of Dakar (Senegal).
Pierre-François MERCURE, Tenured Professor at the Université de Sherbrooke Law School (Canada).
Gonzalo SOZZO, Law professor at the Universidad Nacional del Littoral, Vice Dean of the Santa Fé Law School (Argentina).
Kheng-Lian KOH, Professor at the National University of Singapore, Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (Singapore).